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Additional Varieties of Garlic
In addition to our premium Music garlic we also have Russian Red...
Garlic Everywhere
Buy Ontario Garlic
The use of garlic can be traced as far back as 5,000 years ago in ancient Egyptian and Indian cultures, and it's no mystery that its popularity hasn't waned through the years. Garlic is easy to grow and thrives in mild climates. It can be used for both culinary and medicinal purposes, and, when stored properly, it can last up to six months unpeeled.
Here at Count von Garlic, we proudly offer Music garlic that has been locally-grown for more than 20 years. When variety counts, we've got the selection you're looking for as we specialize in: Music garlic and also grow Russian Red Garlic and Duganski garlic.
How to Properly Store Garlic in Bulk
It's our goal that your garlic purchase is one you can make in confidence. While you can store garlic successfully for around 4-6 months, you have to do it the right way. Be prepared to keep your purchase in a dark, dry, cool area with adequate ventilation. Keep in mind, garlic is at peak freshness during the first few weeks following your purchase. If you don't plan on using it this quickly, you can freeze your cloves for a period of several months to preserve optimal taste.
Once a clove has been peeled, you'll need to ensure refrigeration where it can be kept for around one week. Cloves that have been chopped or minced, on the other hand, only last a day or two. Regardless of the level of processing, remember to keep garlic stored in a sealed container so its strong odor doesn't pervade other foods you have stored in close proximity.